Sabtu, 25 April 2009

Appreciate it please

Don't you ever think that I'm tryin to be someone like what you want? What a mistake I've made to you boy? HA?! Appreciate my feeling please.... I'm here and I'm still here waiting for you until "you in the past" back to me. but what? You didn't appreciate it? Didn't you ha?! Some people said, "He doesn't care about you anymore ca, just leave him!". I don't want to leave you. If you want to know, I believe someday you'll back to me and appreciate my feeling, even all of my friends and my best friends said that you don't care about me anymore. I trust to you and I will always be here just for you and I'll be wait.......

1 komentar:

Ardhito Rusmanggala mengatakan...

i think you should be realistic,i know you loved him very much,but if he couldn't love you,you should understand.and one thing you have to know, there're so many other good boy outhere

but,finally it's up 2 u to agree or disagree with me